A public forum will be held next week in which customers of PSEG-LI whose services were affected by Tropical Storm Isaias over the summer will have the chance to discuss potential damages and harm before the state Department of Public Service and the DPS Special Counsel for Ratepayer Protection.
The comments will be part of the official record and may be utilized by the special counsel as part of direct testimony admitted into the record in an investigation into statewide utilities’ preparations for and response to the August storm and its resulting power outages.
PSEG itself estimates that 420,000 of its customers across the island lost power during or following the storm, with an estimated 15,528 customers having to wait more than a week for their service to return.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo later opened an investigation into the utilities’ responses, and PSEG would face criticism from the Nassau County Legislature, the Town of North Hempstead and the Town of Hempstead.
The forum is scheduled to take place Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 4:00 p.m.
Interested participants can go to www.webex.com, click “join a meeting” and enter event number 179 605 5191 and, if necessary, password Jan12-4pm to register. Registrants will also be asked if they expect to speak during the forum. Phone-only access to the meeting will take place at the number 518-549-0500 by entering access code 179 605 5191.