Readers Write: Zeldin member of the Trumplican Sedition Caucus

Readers Write: Zeldin member of the Trumplican Sedition Caucus

Trumplican Representative Lee Zeldin (being a Trumplican, the “R” after his name is vestigial and simply stands for “racist”, today) has now declared himself a member in, good standing, of the Sedition Caucus of the Trumplican party in Congress by participating in the current occupant’s attempted racist fascist coup.

Eric Cashdan

Sands Point

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  1. According to your friends in BLM (Bolsheviks, Leftists and Marxists) and Antifa (the Democratic Party’s version of Hitler’s “Brownshirts”) Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and T. Roosevelt were racists. As Aesop said, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”


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