Happening at the Williston Park Library

Happening at the Williston Park Library

Carl DelVecchio Memorial Library

From the Director: Thank you to everyone who donated food items to the Library’s Great Giveback Campaign. We were able to donate many items to St. Aidan’s Food Pantry. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

New titles added to the collection:
Book of Lost Names—Kristin Harmel
Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump—Mary Jordan
His truth is Marching On: John Lewis & the Power of Hope—Jon Meecham
Vanishing Half—Brit Bennett
Rage—Bob Woodward
Guest List—Lucy Foley
Speaking for Myself—Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Our New Daily Hours Are:

Open for Browsing: Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Vestibule Pick-Up: Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Browsing & Vestibule Pickup: Saturday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

“Open for Browsing” means you can come inside, walk around the Library, and look for books and other items. Please limit your time to 30 minutes. Only one family at a time will be permitted in the Children’s Room.

Items requested over the phone can be picked up in the Library vestibule.

Please maintain social distancing practices while in the Library.

All customers and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in the Library, per Executive Order 202.17. Face coverings must cover both your mouth and nose.

Congregating is not permitted.

Two computers are available for public use.

Please return items in the outside book drops. For safety reasons, we cannot accept items returned inside the Library!

Thank you for cooperating with the guidelines we have in place to keep us all safe.

Adult Programs
Book Discussion—Wednesday—December 16—7 p.m. via Zoom. Copies of Rules of Civility are available at the circulation desk. Please register at willistonpr@yahoo.com
To join Zoom Meeting

Find your local number: https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/u/adXtc4WqKU
Or go to zoom.us and click join the meeting and enter this:
Meeting ID: 960 2633 5775
Passcode: WPBookDec

Or just call 19292056099 and they will ask for the meeting id and password above.
Children’s Programs
Please check our website, willistonparklibrary.org, for this week’s DIY storytime.

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