Readers Write: Trump and the 25th Amendment

Readers Write: Trump and the 25th Amendment

President Trump’s incompetence is resulting in the unnecessary death of tens of thousands of Americans from the coronavirus. His supersized ego results in him placing his own interests ahead of the interest of the American people.

The 25th Amendment provides that if a majority of the cabinet declares the president unable to perform the duties of the president, the vice president shall become president. It is time for the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump as president.

There is a long list of steps that Trump has taken or not taken that have bungled our effort to fight the coronavirus.

In late January and all of February, Trump consistently downplayed the effect of the virus and refused to take steps to acknowledge and fight the virus. For example, on Jan. 22, he said “we have it under control.”

He also insisted that the CDC develop its own test and not use a variety of tests successfully being used around the world. And then we found out that the initial CDC test did not work.

So we lost 6-8 weeks in gearing up for testing. This is an eternity in the life of a pandemic. On March 6, Trump said: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.” Sadly, that is not even valid now. We still don’t have enough tests.

Hospitals and other test sites have difficulty getting test kits and/ or related supplies like swabs. Trump should have invoked the Defense Production Act in March to mandate that companies make the necessary supplies for tests, protective equipment like masks, gloves and gowns, and equipment like ventilators.

He reluctantly agreed to mandate the manufacture of ventilators on April 2. Trump has still not invoked this Act to require the production of testing supplies or personal protective equipment for health professionals. As a result, Americans are needlessly dying every day.

Beyond his handling of the coronavirus, Trump is acting more erratic every day.

Earlier this month, he stated he had the constitutional power to do anything he wants, including order states to restart the economy. Governors and others immediately pointed out the 10th amendment to the Constitution specifically leaves to the states any power not granted to the federal government.

He also ordered a cutoff of U.S. funding of the World Health Organization at a time that the world needs guidance and leadership from the W.H.O. more than ever. He does not have the power to stop payment under a law passed by Congress mandating such payments.

President Harry Truman said “the buck stops here,” referring to his desk in the Oval Office. On March 13, Trump said “I don’t take responsibility at all.” He has blamed the media, Democrats, China and now the W.H.O. This is the complete absence of leadership.

I am not a psychologist and I do not play one on TV. But it is very clear that Trump is both a malignant narcissist and a pathological liar. Some have also suggested he shows signs of being a sociopath.

The cabinet and the vice president have more than enough evidence that Trump is mentally unable to perform his duties.

Beyond that, he is a danger to most Americans for his careless and self-centered handling of the coronavirus. It is time to remove Trump from office to protect the health of Americans.

Robert Kleinman
Port Washington

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