On Jan. 17, Lillian Cupelli’s Foods and Nutrition classes competed in the 14th annual Mac-n-Cheese Throwdown. Every student in her three Foods and Nutrition classes came to class with a secret family recipe.
After much debate in each kitchen, a compromise was reached with the teams settling on a hybrid of the team members’ recipes, one they believed was the award-winning recipe.
The judges included Principal Kevin Dougherty, and teachers John Squillace, Fran Fielder, Russ Marino, Wendy Spitaliere, Rachel Unterricht, and Jason Cassano. Each team’s dish was judged on appearance, texture, and taste.
After some constructive comments on each dish, the judges deliberated and the winners of the Golden Noodle were: Danielle Jones, Kelan Archibold, Ismael Ordonez, Josuemanuel Davila, Antonio Gutierrez, Johnathan Lazarre and Abigail Canage from Kitchen 3 during Period 1; and Nicholas Kelly, Soad Alhayek, Lauren Scott, Lexianne Marner, Angel Hernandez, and Jacques Dupuy from Kitchen 1 during Period 4. During Period 7, there was a tie between Kitchen 2 and Kitchen 4 teams. Kitchen 2’s team included Carman Benjamin, Alan Calixte, Chidiogo Chibuzo, Elijah Hermanstyne, Courtney Johnson and Jada Troupe; while Kitchen 4’s team included Nicolle Sanots, Shanijah Knight, Rafi Saleh, Deanna Spalding, Jennifer Ventura-Rocha and Jemini Watson.
Submitted by the Sewanhaka Central High School District