High Holidays at Temple Judea

High Holidays at Temple Judea

The High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are especially significant occasions for Jews the world over, signifying a time for introspection, repentance and forgiveness. This year’s observance of the High Holidays was especially meaningful at Temple Judea as it incorporated inspirational music by exceptional musicians who brought inspiration through beautifully integrated music into the prayers and readings.

Temple Judea is a Reformed synagogue whose traditions include music in its services to enhance the beauty and meaningfulness of the liturgy, throughout the High Holidays as well as the observance of Shabbat and holy days year round. This year was exceptional for its inspiring music, as the new Cantor, Deborah Jacobson, with Rabbi Todd Chizner conducted the services accompanied by the Temple Judea choir and supported by Steve Belfer, pianist, Lesley Rosenthal, violinist and Dr. Elizabeth Glennon, cellist, enhancing the beauty and significance of these special days.

On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, after the traditional morning service, a meaningful program was conducted by Irving Roth and Rabbi Chizner. Mr. Roth is the distinguished Director of the Holocaust Resource Center which is located on the Temple Judea campus. Mr. Roth, in a Q and A format with Rabbi Chizner, discussed the impact of the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestiture and Sanctions) and its historical background, emphasizing that this movement is an outgrowth of anti-Semitism.

Yom Kippur’s multiple repetitions of confessions of sins, serve to inspire individuals to see all the good that can be done in their lives and the world around us. During his remarks, Rabbi Chizner had the honor of bestowing the “Tzedek Award” to Marlene Post for her exceptional service to the Jewish people, here and in Israel.

The day ended with a special service, Yizkor, a time of remembrance of loved ones who have departed from our lives.

The culmination of the services was the blowing of Shofars, expertly performed by Rabbi Chizner and members of Temple Judea.

For each of these meaningful and inspiring services, the Sanctuary and Ballroom were filled with Temple members, their families and friends.

Temple Judea is located at 333 Searingtown Road, Manhasset, NY 11030, just north of exit 36 of the LIE. For more information, the Temple office can be reached at 516-621-8049 or e-mail: templeoffice@temple-judea.com Visit the Temple website at www.temple-judea.com, and “friend” Temple Judea on the Facebook page www.facebook.com/templejudeamanhasset. New members are always welcome. The first year of membership is free in 2019-2020.

Submitted by Temple Judea of Manhasset.

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