Congratulations to graduating seniors, Jamie Ryan and Kenton Wu, of the Wheatley School on attending the Nassau County Council of School Superintendents’ Annual Celebrating Excellence and the Legacy of Dr. James Tolle Breakfast.
This annual event celebrates the outstanding accomplishments of graduating seniors from each Nassau County school district. Each year, the top two students, the valedictorians and salutatorians from each high school in Nassau County, are honored at this awards ceremony.
As Wheatley does not name a valedictorian and salutatorian, two Wheatley honor students are chosen to attend and be recognized at this prestigious event, based on their high academic and exceptional success throughout their high school careers. This year Jamie Ryan and Kenton Wu were selected by the Wheatley scholarship committee, and they are identified using the criteria of high academic achievement and outstanding ethical behavior.
Both Jamie and Kenton have demonstrated outstanding academic performance during their years at Wheatley, both having earned perfect grades on their transcripts through the end of their junior year all while taking the most demanding courses, and maintaining an active extracurricular life.