Donations needed to refurbish a Manhasset classroom

Donations needed to refurbish a Manhasset classroom

Matthew Moschitta of Eagle Troop 97 is currently seeking help with donations to refurbish a classroom at Manhasset’s Adventures In Learning. This classroom renovation would also provide a new wall-to-wall bookcase.

For almost 50 years, Adventures in Learning has offered children in kindergarten through sixth grade a place to come after school for guidance and academic assistance. Through all these years, Adventures in Learning has served hundreds of local children, making a difference in the lives of young people who would otherwise be without assistance during a critical time in their development.

Support for this project is needed in order to provide an updated learning environment for our local community’s children. The classroom interior is showing signs of wear and tear. The project plan is as follows: have bookcase removed and a new one built/installed; sand and paint the room; replace ceiling panels.

A Donation Day has been scheduled through the generosity of Shake Shack at 1570 Union Turnpike in New Hyde Park. The event will be held on Monday, March 25 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. 25 percent of the total meal purchase will be donated to Adventures In Learning on behalf of the Eagle Project renovation. If you take a photo of the flyer and show it at the register, 25 percent of your purchase will go towards this project.

Donations can be made in any amount: $20, $25 etc would help and can also be made out to BSA Troop 97 or Adventure in Learning — include Moschitta Eagle Project on the memo line.

Mail to:
Adventures in Learning Attn: Diana Holden
Moschitta Eagle Project
Adventures in Learning
P.O. Box 1054, Manhasset, NY 11030

All donations will go directly to Adventures In Learning and are tax deductible.

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