Week of Change at Floral Park

Week of Change at Floral Park
(Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District)

During the week of Dec. 3, Floral Park Memorial High School participated in Week of Change in collaboration with the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island.

The mission was to promote positivity, encouragement and overall good vibes.

A replica of the Ronald McDonald House was used as a collection box in the main office to collect loose change to help support the Ronald McDonald House. Additionally, students from Global Awareness, the Students Against Destructive Decisions Club and the uKNIGHTed Club helped spread the positivity by creating interactive bulletin boards, such as the Random Acts of Kindness and Throw Kindness Like Confetti boards.

The Knights were welcomed on Monday morning with surprise messages of encouragement on their lockers, on bathroom mirrors and throughout the halls of the building. The week culminated in students writing anonymous letters of gratitude to the adults in the building. Letters were boxed to the faculty and staff and surely were a wonderful surprise for the adults to read. To spread awareness of Week of Change, Floral Park Memorial encouraged everyone to wear different colors during the week that symbolized hope, joy, harmony, friendship, positive attitudes and kindness.

The Shared Decision-Making Committee and ROOTS Christian Club also created a Giving Tree and a Treasure Chest full of “leaves” and “gems.” Students were encouraged to take a leaf or a gem and donate whatever item was listed. Donations were given to the food pantry at Our Lady of Victory and the Mary Brennan Foundation.

The first Week of Change was a huge success and was well-received by the Floral Park Memorial community. Just because the week has passed doesn’t mean that students, faculty and staff have stopped spreading good vibes. They are continuing to share positivity.

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