The Social Action Committee of Temple Judea recently held its annual clothing drive. Its purpose was to provide winter clothing to less privileged children, teenagers and adults who will need warm clothing during the cold winter months.
Over the course of several weeks, the congregation of Temple Judea donated jackets, sweaters, pants, scarves, hats, gloves and blankets for men, women and children. A group of Temple Judea’s religious school students, parents, grandparents and others met to organize the huge amount of donated goods using bags labeling the contents of each. These bags were then brought to a drop-off point in Glen Cove and organized on individual tables, making it easy for the recipients to take the items they needed for themselves and their families. Sandwiches and fresh fruit were provided for all who came.
Social Action Committee co-chairs, Rita Marcus and Alicia Munves said, “Over the years many people have arrived to receive the clothing and have always expressed sincere gratitude. This year was no different.”
This clothing and food distribution, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, is sponsored by TANS, a consortium of social action chairpeople from many synagogues and JCCs on the North Shore.
Temple Judea is located at 333 Searingtown Road in Manhasset.