An open letter to Businessman, Peter Dejana and our Manorhaven Village Officials
Being a visionary and a philanthropist is the willingness to care about those who you have never met and future generations you will never meet.
It’s the caring to enhance a community of peoples way of life and ensure its future for generations to come. It is the caring to pass on a legacy in the name of those who are here and those you loved who have left.
Mr. Peter Dejana and the mayor and Board Of Trustees and Board Of Zoning of the Village of Manorhaven have that unique opportunity.
The highly contested Dejana property at Sagamore Hill on Manhassett Isle can and most likely will be approved for him by Manorhaven officials for a series of high density, high- storied apartment buildings. A place to be filled with a series of renters, a series of ever-worsening overcrowding issues and a series of even more high rise, multi-storied apartments buildings to come.
It will permanently effect and change our way of life and our village’s future. This is slated to be their legacy to us and to the future generations of this once unique seaside village.
Or instead, they have the unique ability to leave a legacy that will be remembered for its caring and love of the community they serve and that has served them well.
They can decide to turn this contested lot into the greatest asset and most prized gift they could give our Village.
A beautiful park, and much-needed playground for our children. A place where families can gather for years to come and children can play. An open place filled instead with a series of future generations of families and children’s laughter and joy and appreciation.
The Dejana Family Park and Playground will fill a need new young famines here have asked for.. a park within walking distance that they can bring their children to every day, a place for the adjacent nursery school filled with children to utilize, a playground that may also meet the needs of special needs children.
A beautiful sunshine filled, tree-lined open park for countless young families, seniors and residents now and in the future to meet and enjoy and share
A village asset that will profit all of us by permanently enhancing desirability and property values throughout Manorhaven and all of Port. A legacy we can all be proud of.
Lucretia Steele
Former Deputy Mayor of the Village of Manorhaven