Port North to restore Robert H. Dayton Park

Port North to restore Robert H. Dayton Park
Robert H. Dayton Park in Port Washington North, as seen from Shore Road. (Photo courtesy of Google)

Across Shore Road from Mill Pond Park sits Robert H. Dayton Park, a small stretch of waterfront property along Manhasset Bay. The park is named for a former Port Washington firefighter who died while on duty on Nov. 26, 1988.

In remembrance of Dayton, the village is partnering with the Port Fire Department to fix up the park for the 30th anniversary of Dayton’s death, Port Washington North Mayor Bob Weitzner announced at Wednesday’s Board of Trustees meeting.

The land for the park was set aside by Nassau County thanks to the efforts of Village Clerk Palma Torrisi, Weitzner said.

The restoration is part of a larger commemoration that will be held in Port Washington over the Thanksgiving holiday. On Sunday, Nov. 25, Main Street will be closed down so a plaque can be dedicated on the building where Dayton was killed 30 years ago.

Weitzner said that a plaque in the park will be restored and the park will be cleaned up as part of a project by a local Eagle Scout.

In other Port Washington North park-related news, the board approved the installation of a bike repair station and a gazebo in Bay Walk Park.

“The movers from Amish country are slated to come in with their big truck next week, we’re putting a 16-foot gazebo into the Bay Walk,” Weitzner said.

The rest of the meeting concerned a couple of updates to the Soundview Marketplace. Ace Hardware recently installed shelving, and the village is moving to approve the preliminary stocking of merchandise. A representative from Ace made a brief appearance at Wednesday’s meeting to request a change to one of the building’s signs. The new sign would be smaller than the one previously approved, so the board signed off on it.

The board also reported that construction was moving ahead with T.J. Maxx, which was approved in June to occupy 21,414 square feet on the northern end of the marketplace.

Reach reporter Luke Torrance by email at ltorrance@archive.theisland360.com, by phone at 516-307-1045, ext. 214, or follow him on Twitter @LukeATorrance.

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