15 Great Neck students selected for string fest orchestra

15 Great Neck students selected for string fest orchestra

Fifteen Great Neck Public School students were selected for the 2018–19 Long Island String Festival Association Orchestras, Intermediate Division, which includes students from grades five to eight.

This musical experience, to be held in March 2019, brings together Long Island’s highly talented, young string musicians.

The participants from North Middle School are violinists Kattie Huang, Ian Loo, and Julia Huang, and violist Youngjun Chang.

Participants from South Middle School include violinists Elizabeth Levine, Shira Lichter, Drew Kim, Dylan Kim, Alston Leung, and Jolene Chang, violists Sebastian Lennox and Lauren Siong Sin, and cellist Erin Wong.

Grade 5 participants are cellist Evan Wang from Baker School and violinist Jinxian Elaine Su from Lakeville.

Students are selected for the LISFA Orchestra based on their level and score at the New York State School Music Association Festival held last year. They must also participate in their school orchestra.

LISFA participants are taught by Matthew Trinkwald and Anthony Virgilio at North Middle, Alan Schwartz at South Middle, Anne Fogarty at Baker and Juan Garcia at Lakeville.

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