Well, here we go again.
Radical-leftist Karen Rubin’s latest rant in the Oct. 19 issue continues her tradition of anti-American viewpoints, whereby she urges other countries to impose a tax on imports from the United States or (worse yet), ban American products entirely.
 But Rubin goes further, urging both Indonesia and the Philippines to “sue the United States for relief”.
For a person who seems to pride herself on her “liberal compassion”, she certainly doesn’t seem to have any of it for her fellow American workers who would be economically devastated by her utopian viewpoints. Just think about how many millions of Americans might lose their jobs because of Rubin’s inflexibly antagonistic position towards America and capitalism.
 But Rubin doesn’t care about her fellow citizens-unless they are liberal Democrats like herself.
Her hatred of President Trump is so extreme that she is willing to do anything possible to kick him out of office.
Yet in true liberal fashion, she will not address challenges to her extreme positions, as she is isolated from them in her ivory tower.Â
Rubin’s extremism has blinded her from the realities of the world. She simply spews forth more radical propaganda and ignores those of us, such as myself, who recently challenged her in a letter published in the Oct. 12 issue.
And she is joined in that effort by Hal Sobel with his breathtakingly-hyperbolic article entitled “Fascism is coming to America.”
Sobel asserts that our President ignores the rule of law and “colluded” with the Russians in the 2016 election, yet offers no concrete evidence to bolster those preposterous claims. Typical liberal tactic-using alarming rhetoric to mobilize the liberal zealots.
For Sobel to equate our President with Nazi Germany, calling him the worst president in our history, is not only inaccurate but nothing more than his own viewpoint.
And to say that Roe v. Wade’s fate has been “sealed” with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, when he himself during his testimony under oath upheld the validity of the ruling, is nothing more than cheap, transparent attempt to garner the women’s vote.
 But that’s what leftists do-they divide people by race, ethnicity, religion, gender and class; because they are the party of special interests.
 And one final point for Rubin-does she think that the so-called “Paris Climate Accord” was fair to the United States in allowing both India and China to continue building and operating coal-fired power plants for decades into the future?
Have you not seen pictures of the hazy skies in Beijing and the ever-present air-quality alerts issued by the Chinese government because of these power plants? Just asking.
 Perhaps Indonesia and the Philippines should sue China instead of the United States.
Paul Giarmo
Carle Place   Â