Readers Write: VGN meeting date, time un-American

Readers Write: VGN meeting date, time un-American

For many citizens, 9/11 continues to be a day ordinary people simply want to get through.

It is sad.  It represents a day of untold mourning.

Whether we remember it for a fleeting second when a television news clip catches our eye or whether we find ourselves engulfed in dark, deep thoughts until we go to go to sleep at night.

The connection is there now and will always be there for so many citizens and residents of Great Neck. And beyond.

With that said, it pains me to state I feel it is quite un-American for our Village of Great Neck government leaders to elect to pick this particular date for a critical community meeting – let alone a start time of 9 p.m.

As I listen to the second siren of the day calling out at 9:02 a.m., I have to wonder, what were you thinking?

Judy Shore Rosenthal

Great Neck

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