With 2018 marking Residents Forward’s 50th anniversary, it is especially fitting that three of the organization’s leaders were chosen to be the Grand Marshals of the Pride in Port Parade on Sept. 29.
Beautification has always been a key role for Residents Forward. But over the decades, the organization has expanded their purpose dramatically to also include improving the vibrancy, resiliency and sustainability of the community through education, advocacy and other initiatives.
A lifelong resident of Port Washington, this year’s Community Honoree is Mariann Dalimonte. She spends countless hours volunteering for many organizations to raise money, to better programs, improve the quality of education and otherwise. The amount of time and varying groups with which Mariann is involved is impressive in and of itself. But doing so while working full time and raising three children is truly amazing.
“The Pride in Port Committee always selects very deserving honorees for the Parade Grand Marshall and Community Honoree, but this year’s choices are truly exceptional,” Committee Co-Chair Barbara Faticone said. “Residents Forward and Mariann Dalimonte demonstrate an outstanding level of community pride, which is clearly what Pride in Port is all about. On behalf of the entire committee, we thank and applaud both honorees.”
Pride in Port will be held on Saturday, Sept. 29. The day’s events begin at 11:30 a.m. with a parade along Main Street and Port Washington Boulevard, ending on Campus Drive. Following the parade, Family Fun Day will take place on the Weber field and a Senior Citizens luncheon will be held in the Schreiber cafeteria. A homecoming football game will finish the day’s celebration, but at 7:00 p.m., the Polish Hall will draw about 150 guests for “A Taste of Port Washington” dinner dance. Call 883-6566 for more information.