The Village of Thomaston adjourned a public hearing about Tower Ford’s creation of an automobile sales building on Monday night, following the submission of revised plans on Friday that require further review.
According to the original permit application, approved in late 2016, Tower Ford is planning to turn 655 Northern Boulevard from a gas station into a one-story building for selling new and used automobiles.
But village officials said there have been changes since then that require legal review to see if Tower Ford still falls within the conditions set out in the incentive use permit.
Deputy Mayor James Sharkey said this has to do with the inclusion of a basement, increasing the building height another two feet, and potentially needing to get review from Nassau County.
“So we called Tower Ford and told them to hold off and come back in a month’s time,” Sharkey said, noting that village Attorney Thomas Levin is reviewing the modified plans.
At the July 30 meeting, representatives from Tower Ford said they added a basement for automobile storage, a mezzanine for the sales department, a full fire alarm and sprinkler system for the building, and an increase in height for the building that wasn’t finalized at the time.
The revised site plan also included a ramp for the basement on the west side of the property, shifting the building about 18 feet east to accommodate the ramp, more drywells and reducing six parking spaces on the east side of the property.
The next meeting will take place on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 p.m.
In unrelated village business, trustees approved the advertising of bids for a replacement dump truck.
Additionally, according to the public works report, 25 mile per hour speed limit signs are being installed in the village, storm drains are being worked on and roadwork for Lee Avenue and Schenck Avenue will likely begin soon.
“They don’t have a schedule [yet],” village Administrator Denise Knowland said.
And now! Thomaston board of trustees bombs on meeting Aug 16, 2021 for residents to express opposition to replacing old Tower Ford building with industrial park style glass mega rectangle. Meeting canceled by Mayor Wienberg to allow further maneuvering.