Gold Coast Family Dental scholarship awarded

Gold Coast Family Dental scholarship awarded
Ms. Rafferty accepts scholarship award from Dr. Keren

Since 2008, Dr. Doron Keren of Gold Coast Family Dental in Port Washington has been awarding $500 scholarships to seniors at Schreiber High School. This year’s award went to Kaitlyn Rafferty, who will be attending Loyola University in Maryland where she will study to be a physical therapist.

Ms. Rafferty academic highlights include being in the National Honor Society, the Science Honor Society and frequently on the principal’s honor roll. Her after-school activities included being varsity dance club called the Portettes.

Dr. Doron, Schreiber class of ’79, awards a the Gold Coast Family Dental scholarship based on outstanding academic achievement, playing on a varsity team as well as having a desire to go into a medical related field.

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