Readers Write: Money talks in Manorhaven cell tower issue

Readers Write: Money talks in Manorhaven cell tower issue

It’s not over, until it’s over.  It’s over!

The 10-year Pequot Avenue cell tower issue in the Village of Manorhaven has come to an end. 

 While purported talks of a possible compromised settlement to reduce a 55-year lease with AG Towers to a lesser term, none occurred.  Five months of empty exchanges resulted in the Appellate Court losing patience and moving ahead with a decision (March 21, 2018)

 The appeal by defendants NY SMSA Limited and AG Towers Inc. as to whether the lease with the village expired on March 7, 2013 (5-year period) as per board resolution (2008) or was validated for the 55-year period, the court ruled in favor of AG Towers. 

The premise being that the village ratified the lease beyond the five years — correctly written or not — by accepting rental payment from AG Towers.

 “Verizon and AG established their prima facie entitlement to judgment as a matter of law by demonstrating that the Village ratified the lease by, among other things, consistently accepting rental payments pursuant to the lease after the initial five-year term of the lease had expired.” 

 The Village of Manorhaven approved budget of April 5, 2018 item 2410 indicates Rental of Property (cell tower) as $73,000.

This arduous and costly 10-year challenge by multiple residents – some more than others – often using personal sums in the thousands, speaks courageously for those who desperately want protection from the electromagnetic field — radiation, being spewed from this tower. 

Like the brave young students who are begging for gun control have learned, in their tender teenage years, money talks and B.S. walks. 

Our leaders have failed us. Government of the people, by the people, for the people is fast perishing from the face of the earth….

 Barbara Mallon

Port Washington

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