PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Roslyn Estates on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 25 The Tulips, Roslyn Estates, New York 11576, to hear the following case:
Public Hearing for Case #603, the Application of Victor Musso, as owner and with regard to the premises at 52 Mineola Ave., Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, also known as Section 7, Block 53, Lots 324 & 325 on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map, in an R-21 District, for relief in the alternative as follows:
(A) appeal pursuant to Village Code Section 200-69, from determinations made by the Village Building Official that subdivision approval by the Village Planning Board is now required to approve the contemplated subdivision of the premises at 52 Mineola Ave. from one into two buildable lots, and that zoning variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals are required with respect to one or both of the lots to be created from such subdivision, despite subdivision approval with respect to such premises having been granted by the Village Planning Board in 2004, and zoning variances relating to such contemplated subdivision having been granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals in 2004, because the Village Building Official has determined that both such decisions made in 2004 have lapsed and are of no further force and effect;
or, in the event that such determinations by the Village Building Official are upheld, then
(B) for variances, as follows:
1. with respect to proposed Lot A, currently improved with existing structures, from: Village Code Sections 200-11.C., clauses (1), (2), (4), and (5); 200-11.H., clauses (2) and (3); 200-11.2(B.); and 200-22.I, clauses (1) and (9)[1], to allow the maintenance of the following existing improvements on proposed Lot A, following the subdivision:
a. a main dwelling having a height setback ratio in the side yard of 1.21’ (height) to 1 foot (length), where the required ratio is 1 foot to 1 foot;
b. a detached garage, which is an accessory structure: (i) with an area of 670.6 ft2.where the maximum permitted is 120 ft2.(ii) with a height of 20.84 feet, where the maximum allowed height is 12 feet; (iii) with a setback from nearest property line of 9.3 feet, where the minimum required setback for accessory structures is 12 feet; (iv) located in a rear yard, where detached garages are not permitted; (v) located in a rear yard, when detached garages are only permitted in side yards; (vi) providing a side yard setback of 9.3 feet, where the minimum required setback from the front, side and rear property lines is 20 feet; (vii) with a height​/​setback ratio of 1.5’ in height to 1’ in length, with the required ratio is 1’ to 1’; and
c. a detached patio behind the garage with a setback of 7.7 feet from the side property line, where the minimum required setback is 12 feet;
2. with respect to proposed Lot B, currently unimproved, from Village Code Sections 200-22 C. And 200-33.12, to permit proposed Lot B to have (a) lot width of 91.35 feet at a depth 70 feet from the street line, where the minimum lot width at all points from the street line to a depth of 70 feet from the street line shall be 110 feet, and (b) lot frontage of 100 feet, where the minimum lot frontage shall be not less than 110 feet.
At time and place of public hearing, all persons will be given opportunity to be heard. Individuals wishing to review file may do so during Village business hours. Those persons planning to attend meeting and who require special accommodations because of disability are requested to notify Village Clerk no less than 48 hours prior to meeting.
May 29, 2018
RT #148564
1x 06/08​/2018 #148564