Mr. Torrance’s article on this year’s Memorial Day Ceremony at the Sousa Band Shell in Port Washington was a refreshing change from the usual coverage of this annual event. The front-page placement of a picture of the rifle squad giving a 21-gun salute, the first line about the centennial of the last year of the First World War, the quotation from “In Flanders Field” and the other quotes from the ceremony were excellent.
 There was only one error in the article, the headline “A day for remembering military veterans in Port.”
While there was a recognition of the veterans in attendance at the ceremony, the day not about us. Memorial Day or Decoration Day is a federal holiday for remembering the people who died while serving in our armed forces.
 On Sunday, November 11th at 11 a.m. sharp we will be having our annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Sousa Band Shell.
It will also be the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. The public is welcome and encouraged to celebrate this historic event with us.
Jerry Devine
American Legion Post 509Â Â
Port Washington