Nassau County Executive Laura Curran joined Girl Scouts of Nassau County CEO Randell Marie Bynum in honoring Girl Scout Daisy Riya of Troop 1511 who saved her 3-year-old brother from choking.
On May 20, 2017, Riya and her 3-year-old brother were having dinner at home when he began to choke. Riya, a New Hyde Park resident, calmly and quickly came to her brother’s rescue administering two back blows and dislodging the food stuck in his wind pipe.
When asked how she knew what to do, Riya explained that she had learned from her troop leader, Ms. Laura, how to identify and help a choking victim at a recent Girl Scout meeting.
“It is my pleasure to honor Girl Scout Daisy Riya for her bravery and quick thinking,” Curran said.
Riya was presented with a Medal of Honor, an award given to a Girl Scout for “saving life or attempting to save life without risk to their own life.”