East Hills Trustee Clara Pomerantz was instrumental in beginning an individualized technology workshop for residents.
The first session was held March 4. The innovative program allows residents to be paired with a high school student to learn about smartphones, computers, iPads and digital cameras.
The Senior Technology Program continues at 11 a.m. Sundays in the Village Lounge until Memorial Day.
“The program is successful, in great measure, due to the help and assistance of my coordinator, high school student Ryan Gordon,” Pomerantz said. “People often find computers and iPhones foreign to them and are even intimidated to use the valuable, modern, and often necessary tools. Through the program the younger generation helps to educate their elders and it’s working smoothly and productively.”
The first session was limited to six residents, but the program will build to a maximum of 20 eagerly awaiting East Hills residents, and a limited number of guests. For more information, email Pomerantz at ccpomer@aol.com.