21 Great Neck students named National Merit finalists

21 Great Neck students named National Merit finalists

21 seniors from North and South High Schools have advanced to become finalists (from semifinalists) in the prestigious 2018 National Merit Scholarship Competition.

They are now among more than 15,000 students who will be considered for some 7,500 Merit Scholarship awards that will be announced in coming months.

John L. Miller-Great Neck North High School Finalists are: Aaron Hakimi, Courtney Hakimian, Michael Jan, Cheryl Tung, and Megan Xu.

William A. Shine-Great Neck South High School Finalists are: Devin Chin, Kelley Chiu, Susan Fendt, Jessica Li Jiang, Benjamin Kobliner, Hanxuan Kuang, Zhijian Long, Kimberly Lu, Julian Malater, Adam Sperling, Lynne Xie, Michelle Xing, David Yao, Ann Zhang, Asia Zhang, and Esther Zhu.

PSAT scores for these students were among the highest in the state and their scores on a second examination were as good or better. Having demonstrated exemplary academic performance throughout high school, these students were endorsed and recommended by their high school principals.

Each student also furnished biographical data and a self-description of interests, activities, accomplishments, and goals.

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