Readers Write: Reconstructionist Synagogue takes pride in +upholding highest Jewish ideals

Readers Write: Reconstructionist Synagogue takes pride in +upholding highest Jewish ideals

This letter is a response to Mr. Katz’ opinion piece published in the Dec. 25, 2017 edition of The Port Washington Times and other “the Island Now” publications.

As both a congregant of the Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore and its current president of the Board of Trustees, I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Katz’ reference to our Congregation and Synagogue as “faux Jewish”.

Before addressing Mr. Katz’ ad hominin attack on my beliefs and those of our thriving community, I do want to point out that reasonable people may disagree about where charitable contributions are best directed.

That said, it is challenging to comprehend how or why anyone would object to donations of time, effort and money when these resources are directed to helping innocent victims and bystanders, regardless of their nationality, religion, race, gender or any other unique or distinguishing feature or characteristic.

Despite the fact that a reasonable case can be made for the notion that “charity begins at home,” people who are united through their suffering, victimization and pain, Jews and non-Jews alike, deserve our attention and humanity.

From my vantage point, any attempt to provide aid and refuge to any and all innocents should be applauded and celebrated.

Perhaps my view of Tikkun Olam is naïve or uninformed, but I have never heard it referred to as “repair the Jewish world”.

In response to Mr. Katz’ uninformed and bigoted assertion that Reconstructionism is “faux Jewish,” I simply ask: what leads him to that conclusion?

Is it our inclusion of women in the rabbinate or our “Adopt the Survivor” program which exposes our teenage Synagogue School students to the history and stories of Holocaust survivors, so that they will never be forgotten and lost?

Is it the Anti-Semitism Action Committee (Shamor, a program founded by members of our congregation to monitor and respond to anti-Semitic acts on the North Shore of Long Island?

Perhaps what is so offensive to Mr. Katz is RSNS’ strong commitment to Israel demonstrated through our clergy’s weekly Zionism seminar or the just concluded sojourn to Israel that more than 70 congregants and clergy undertook.

Does Mr. Katz’ object to the Gan Shalom Nursery School founded at RSNS almost 25 years ago and its’ program run by a committee of dedicated rabbis, early childhood educators and child development professionals, with the goal of providing the best possible Jewish and secular experience for young children and their families?

Alternatively, the active acceptance and inclusion of the LGBTQ community by RSNS as a matter of conscience and principle might offend Mr. Katz as might RSNS’ engagement with a multitude of Jewish and secular charities and organizations as part of our commitment to Social Action.

Mr. Katz’ position is both small minded and rooted in intolerance.

His opinion piece belies a lack of appreciation for diversity and an absence of generosity of spirit and humanity that are the hallmark of the Reconstructionist movement and for that matter all of Judaism.

I invite anyone who is more interested in learning about our congregation or Reconstructionist Judaism to visit our website ( or to join us at Sabbath services.

Yes Mr. Katz, we Reconstructionist Jews do hold services on Shabbat and you too are welcome.

Dr. Ron Guggenheimer, Ph.D
Great Neck, NY
Congregant and President of the Board of Trustees
Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore

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