The Town of North Hempstead and their Veterans Advisory Committee completed the fourth annual Veterans Donation Drive on Dec. 2 when they transported over 160 boxes of new clothes, toiletries, and other supplies that were collected through the townwide drive to the Northport VA.
“I would like to say thank you to all Port Washington and Manhasset residents who donated so generously to help men and women who have given so much to this country,” said Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio. “During the holiday season it’s important for us all to remember that there are Veterans, and many wounded warriors who continue to need our support.”
The donations were collected throughout the month of November at locations throughout the Town including Clinton G. Martin Park, Town Hall, Town Clerk’s Office, Michael J. Tully Park Aquatic Activity Center, 14 Vanderventer Avenue, Port Washington, Manorhaven Village Hall, Port Washington Chamber of Commerce Building and Sands Point Preserve.
“We are extremely devoted to serving our veterans here in the Town of North Hempstead,” said Town Clerk Wayne Wink. “We always look forward to continuing this tradition each year.”
“I am proud that the Town holds this successful donation drive each year for our Veterans and that we were able to collect over 150 boxes of supplies this year for the Northport VA where they will be put to good use,” Councilwoman Anna Kaplan said.
For more information about the Town’s Veteran’s Advisory Committee please visit: or call 311.