Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
William James
Operation Santa is in full swing!
For those Williston Park families who would like to have Santa visit their house and present gifts to their children, now is the time to “put the wheels in motion.”
Please call Village Hall 516-746-2193 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for full details. Santa will be leaving Village Hall on Dec. 24 between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Be prepared to be home on Christmas eve starting at 5:30 p.m. so that Santa’s visit can take place without a problem. Operation Santa is a time honored tradition only made possible by volunteers committed to fulfilling the mission at hand
The stunning snowflakes that adorn the village on both Hillside Avenue and Willis Avenue have been provided by the Chamber of the Willistons and the Town of North Hempstead. Last year the chamber applied for a matching grant from North Hempstead.
The chamber committed $5,000 and the town matched this amount which allowed the chamber to purchase the snowflakes.
Enjoy the sight and remember the chamber is made up of local businesses. Please support the business community so as to continue a great relationship, which is beneficial to all.
Single Stream began this past Wednesday.
Each and every week, residents will be able to put out all recycles weekly, on Wednesday. It is the end result of a plan put together, over six years ago, to reorganize our sanitation program.
In the initial stages a change in schedule gave the village the ability to move three employees into the regular work force, allowing for a more efficient work force.
Heavy item pickup became more convenient as these items could be put out for pick up twice a week as opposed to once a week. It took time to complete the plan but the new setup should benefit the Village as a whole.
Last week’s edition of the Williston Times, when reporting about the rehabilitation/replacement of the water tower, it was reported that the undersigned met with East Williston Mayor David Tanner.
The article stated “that he (Ehrbar)has met with and made agreements with East Williston Mayor David Tanner.”
While I, along with Deputy Mayor Kevin Rynne and Superintendent Keith Bunnell, did meet with Mayor Tanner, a discussion took place regarding the water tower but there were no agreements made between the undersigned and Mayor Tanner.
The impression led readers to believe that Mayor Tanner and I made private agreements related to this project. This did not happen.
As the village moves forward East Williston officials will be kept apprised of the status.
On behalf of the village board and my family I wish all those who celebrate, a Happy Hanukah and a Happy New Year.