Readers Write: Vattamala offers inclusion, unity to District 3

Readers Write: Vattamala offers inclusion, unity to District 3

District 3 in the Town of North Hempstead, encompassing Mineola, New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, and Williston Park deserves a positive change.

Jerry Vattamala, running for Town Council, District 3 will bring that change with his extensive professional background, his dedication to democratic values, and his love of the community.

At a time in which there is much divisiveness and worry about the erosion of our democratic values, the candidacy of Jerry Vattamala represents a wonderful opportunity to elect a candidate who has demonstrated devotion to inclusion, unity, and democratic ideals.

Currently working for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Jerry has served as the lead attorney in federal and state cases concerning constitutional, voting rights, and language access issues. He has recently assumed the position of director of the Democracy Program for the Fund.

Prior to his work at the AALDEF, Jerry worked for the prestigious Proskauer Rose LLP, working on World-Trade Center litigation, which ultimately helped remove barriers to allow for the construction of the Freedom Tower.

Jerry’s impressive professional career does not exclude him from making time for community involvement. Jerry works with the Vattamala Law Firm, which provides elder law documents for seniors at discounts, and has also volunteered as a sixth  grade Sunday School teacher for several years at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in New Hyde Park.

Jerry has enjoyed his childhood growing up in New Hyde Park, and had decided to buy a home in New Hyde Park and raise his own family in his childhood neighborhood, not far from where his parents still live.

As a father, husband, and a son, Jerry has an interest in taking care of our senior citizens, and also making sure that our communities are providing enriching programs for our children.

With his interest and advocacy for both the senior citizens and our younger generations, Jerry will represent the issues that so many of us in District Three care deeply about.

Besides the support of the Nassau County Democratic Party, Jerry has also been endorsed by the Working Families Party and the Women’s Equality Party.

Jerry has the experience, determination, perseverance, caring, and empathy that is necessary to enact positive change in our community.

Jerry is also very approachable and friendly, something that is so important for a local politician’s relationship with his constituents.

He will be responsive to the needs and concerns of all who reside within these communities. Jerry Vattamala will bring a wealth of knowledge, integrity, professionalism, and empathy to the office of Town Council.

I have been a lifelong resident in the Town of North Hempstead, growing up in New Hyde Park, and now residing in Mineola.

I will proudly vote for Jerry Vattamala on Nov. 7.

If you live in New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, Williston Park, or Mineola, please consider joining me in electing a candidate for Town Council that will bring positive change and improvement to our wonderful communities.

Diana Poulos-Lutz


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