So you should know from last week’s article what the basic chores should be on the outside of your home.
One last item would be to spray your weeds prior to any major seeding and core aeration or spot seeding.
Consider the amount of sun and shade when deciding which mix to purchase.
I can suggest some mixes if you need some help.
Now, lets look at the inside of your home.
Begin by viewing your interior as a purchaser and seeing what basic items should be addressed.
When is the last time you painted? What condition are your floors, carpeting, etc, whether hardwood or ceramic? Are your windows newer or much older? How old and in what condition are your appliances, (refrigerator, stove, dish washer, microwave). How old and in what shape is your heating, plumbing and electric.
One other thing on the outside, how old is your roof and in what condition is it in? Are there any leaks in your basement or attic.
Those items I just mentioned are things that the home inspector for the purchaser will be checking very thoroughly, since they do work for the buyer and not you, as the owner.
You need to realize that in this hot seller’s market, yes, the prices are up, but there is only so much a purchaser will pay for your property and the more improved it is, the less the buyer will be able to subtract from their offer; but then again, you don’t want to have any surprises once the inspection is done.
This is why hiring a home inspector, as the seller, will expose any hidden issues and know in advance what problems there are, that you will potentially have to repair or replace. It is money well spent and will minimize your stress and aggravation. When is the last time you cleaned your windows?
Make believe you were going to move in the next six weeks and you had to decide what you were going to keep and take with you and also figure out what you would be selling at a tag sale (great opportunity to make a few extra bucks) and then what you will be throwing away.
We all accumulate things over the years like “pack rats” and some hoard.
Isn’t it time this Spring to declutter your home, condo, townhouse or co-op or rental?
Find a local charity (Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, The Devry Institute or any or non profit 5013C that excepts donations) to give away old clothing, furniture or whatever you might consider throwing in the garbage, to help someone in need and at the same time, get a receipt for your donation and take a tax deduction (ask your accountant for advice).
You might be considering updating or completely renovating your home this spring.
However, think of how long you will be in your home and will you get your money back, if you had to sell sooner than later?
If you are staying five to 10 years and are doing it to have the enjoyment of a renovated domicile, then do it!
Prices are generally higher in the spring than in the fall and winter, because that is when most contractors are the busiest and are able to charge higher fees, since they have, sometimes too much business and have more choices as to what type of jobs are most profitable.
Sit down and figure out your budget and also consider hiring an architect or interior designer if you are doing a major renovation.
Pick out colors that would be acceptable to most and attract more buyers (creams, beige, neutral shades) if you were to sell.
The same goes for paint; pick colors that will blend with your current or new furniture and decorations, so as to make your home more inviting to those that would consider purchasing.
However, if you are considering moving up to a larger home sooner than later, I might suggest that you do not spend a huge sum of money renovating, because you probably will not recoup your investment.
The most advantageous thing to do would be a good coat of white or beige paint to freshen up your interior (and exterior, if necessary).
Pull off old carpeting and expose your floors in their best light, by sanding your floors and rolling on two coats of a quality polyurethane.
Make sure if you are doing this yourself, wear an approved mask and open all windows in the work area, so you do not get asphyxiated and succumb to the fumes.
You are better off hiring a professional who does this for a living.
Don’t be pennywise and pound foolish! Whatever you decide to do, have a plan and start doing something today, tomorrow and the next day, so in the long run, looking back, you will find these tasks were easier, because you gave yourself enough time to complete them.
Phil Raices is the owner/Broker of Turn Key Real Estate at 7 Bond St. in Great Neck. He has earned designations as a Graduate Realtor Institute and Certified International Property Specialist.
He can be reached by email: Phil@TurnkeyRealEstate.Com or by cell (516) 647-4289 to answer any of your questions or article suggestions.