Readers Write: Pence inflames with right to life

Readers Write: Pence inflames with right to life

By addressing the recent “Right to Life” March on Jan. 27, focusing on anti-abortion, Mr. Pence has, in violation of the 1973 Supreme Court Decision, once again brought this country to a state of divisiveness, and lack of protection for women’s rights, which are crucial in issues of civil rights, human rights, worker’s rights and the underlying factor granting women the right to privacy.

His support, with the endorsement of President Trump, of this type of restrictive action, can cause the revision of access to the disabled, affirmative action, and the constitutional provision of separation of church and state.

What other landmark decisions, based on the interpretation and personal morality of religious conservatives are they planning to overturn?

They have ignited a movement that will not be suppressed.

Myra Feder

Great Neck

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