Call GOP leader if election fraud is suspected

Call GOP leader if election fraud is suspected

I’m writing this letter before the storm fully arrives in New York.  

First, I hope that the storm does not hit too badly, and that everyone remains/remained safe throughout the deluge. 

Second, since the election is only a few days away, here is a quick election reminder:  Please remember to be on the lookout for election fraud – for instance – a translator or anyone else telling or showing someone else who to vote for inside a polling place.  If you see something like this, please immediately call Great Neck Republican District Leader Mike Pulitzer on his cell phone (516 382-4950), to enable us to quickly put a stop to unlawful election activity, before it is too late. 

Third, I wanted to share a further reflection on Benghazi-gate.  

One of the basic tenets of the Judeo-Christian tradition (and other religions) is the belief that we are our “brothers’ (or sisters’) keepers.”   

Deaths that someone could have avoided outrage us and break our hearts.   Horrifying information has come to light in recent days: In addition to failing to heed Ambassador Stevens’ pleas for greater security prior to the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, and in addition to ignoring prior terrorist actions against U.S. and British diplomatic facilities in Libya, President Obama also declined to permit rescue operations, which would have arrived quickly enough to save the lives of our ambassador and others. 

A president who does not even have our own ambassador’s “back” will not have our country’s “back” or our allies’ “backs.”  

It’s worth remembering this when we elect our next commander-in-chief on Tuesday.

By the way, the meeting co-sponsored by the Nassau County Republican Women’s Committee and Great Neck Republican Committee on “What is Obama’s Real Agenda on Israel and the Middle East” (at which I will be speaking) was postponed from Monday Oct. 29 due to the storm, and is rescheduled for Monday Nov. 5, at 8:15 p.m. at the Albertson VFW, 155 Searington Road, Albertson.  Free admission – open to the public.

Liz Berney, Esq.

Great Neck

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