I’m responding to your Readers Write. I have read some of the letters from Oct. 26. and what I came away from them is their deep hatred for the president.
The fact is that a snake terrorist was eliminated making America safer.The fact that Obamacare has helped many struggling families with better coverage and more choices hasn’t been mention. And the fact is that good-paying permanent jobs, not temporary quick fix jobs are being created.
Instead a lot of talk about a candidate that would shoot first before asking when,where and why. A candidate that has made millions exporting jobs. And of which no one has asked, if you were president and started war with Iran, are you going to ask any of your five sons to sign up for military service?
It seems that perhaps we should all approach the voting machine with what makes sense and less gossip.The media will take care of that.
John Diolallevi
New Hyde Park