GN pulls together in face of hurricane

GN pulls together in face of hurricane

I was very proud of people in our community these past two weeks.  First, everyone seemed to rise to the occasion to try to help one another during Hurricane Sandy.  

Deli on the Green let dozens of people recharge their cell phones and computers every day – and became a real neighborhood “Internet café.”  Raindew stayed open – without power – to sell batteries and flashlights and other needed items.  Other local stores were similarly helpful.  Individuals invited each other to their homes if they had warmth.  My next door neighbor kindly brought me thermoses of hot water for tea, because she had cooking gas.  (My electric gas stove was inoperable during the week when I was without power.)

Second, it was wonderful to see that so many people here voted for Gov. Romney.  In the northern half of Great Neck, Romney won.  The votes for Romney were overwhelming in Kings Point and Great Neck Estates.  And Romney only lost by a small margin in the southern half of Great Neck.  It’s good to see that so many people here were not swayed by the Obama campaign’s vast propaganda and media machine, Hurricane Sandy “photo ops,” and well-executed “ground game.”

Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be said for the 51 percent of the country who voted for Obama.  The re-election of Pres. Obama is very bad news for our country’s fiscal health, national security and the security of our allies.   We can now expect the national debt to top $20 trillion. The dollar will continue its slide, causing prices of fuel, food, health insurance and other basic items to  keep increasing, while family incomes continue to decline or at best remain stagnant.   Our military will be gutted and we can expect more Benghazi-gates.  Libyan weapons which the administration should have secured will infest more of the Middle East.  Obama will pressure Israel into retreating to indefensible borders and making other suicidal concessions – while continuing to send billions to the Muslim Brotherhood’s new regime and other sworn enemies of America and Israel.

It’s a bleak picture.  But those of us who understand what Obama’s re-election really means to our country and our friends must lift ourselves out of our depression over Obama’s retention of his office, and do what we can to continue to fight against Obama’s dangerous agenda, using the political, legal and informational resources at our disposal.

Fortunately, the House of Representatives is still in Republican hands.  The House needs to stand strong, exercise its oversight, and investigate and hold hearings on the Obama administration’s policies and actions including the dangerous impending cuts to our military, the Obama administration’s numerous documented meetings with and infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood, healthcare regulations which deny needed care, the disposition of Libyan weapons, and many other items. 

The House also needs to do everything possible to cut the purse strings that enable the Obama administration to send our tax dollars to corporate cronies and regimes that hate us.  As a minimum, tax dollars need to be redirected.  If just a small fraction of the money that Obama sent to Solyndra had been spent on fixing the electrical infrastructure on Long Island, we would not have suffered for days and weeks without power.

And all of us, both individually and through various organizations, need to push our representatives of both parties to be a bulwark for assuring our security. 

For instance, our new local representative – Democratic Congressman Steve Israel – ran and won on a platform of being on the “right” on national security and on the State of Israel.  After congratulating Congressman Israel for his win, we need to follow Congressional activity carefully and hold our new Congressman’s feet to the fire, and make sure that he puts his money, his co-sponsorships and his votes where he promised.     

Again, thank you to everyone in our community for coming together in the recent crises.


Elizabeth Berney,


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