The Village of Roslyn’s Board of Trustees amended a local law and passed two resolutions at its meeting Tuesday.
The local law, entitled “Accessory Buildings and Structures,” provides for the placement of equipment such as generators, central air conditioning units, pool pumps and any other noise-producing equipment in a residential district.
Village of Roslyn Deputy Mayor Marshall Bernstein, who led the meeting in the absence of Mayor John Durkin, said that the amendment was made “because of the increasing number of people seeking permits to install generators.”
The amendment states that such equipment can only be installed in a rear yard, the distances to other equipment must coincide with state building code, and the equipment must be screened to minimize visual and acoustic impacts to surrounding properties, officials said.
The board also approved two resolutions. Effective June 1, all of the village bank accounts will be transferred from Wells Fargo to Capital One Bank, where “they’re not charging us outrageous bank fees,” Bernstein said.
The board also approved the $32,000 purchase of 25 Princeton Elm trees to replace all of the trees that were destroyed on Davis Lane during Hurricane Sandy.
“The village has agreed with residents to replace the trees because we are somewhat responsible for their loss,” Bernstein said.
Village Clerk Anita Frangella said that FEMA will not explicitly cover the cost of the trees but the village has applied for a $25,000 grant that Frangella said they will likely receive.
The board continued discussion over two building applications that have been moving through the village for a number of months.
First, contractor Kevin Dursun spoke before the board about his construction work at 66 Silkman Street. requesting a special-use permit to change the two-family residence into an office space.
The board approved the application and stated that the driveway be set with crushed concrete. If Mr. Dursun wished to change to change the driveway composition at a later date, officials said he could take the application in front of the building department.
Dursun’s associate, John Santos, also spoke about the preliminary site plan review of their Lumber Realty site at 17 Lumber Road.
“We are proposing to develop the existing lumber yard into a retail and residential development,” said Santos. “We have been before the Historic District Board now twice and came up with a design that the board approved in scale, footprint, building heights, overall mass of the project. The only things pending at this point are architectural details such as colors of the building, type of brick, window manufacturers, things of that nature.”
Trustee Craig Westergard expressed concerns that the design of the new building doesn’t work with the existing barn, “which in my opinion,” he said, “should be the generator of what the thing should look like.”
“The design needs to be taken to the next level,” Westergard added.
Santos asked for specifically what Westergard referred to as “the design” and said that with the exception of things such as the scale of the building, “we intend to do that.”