I was reading the March 1, 2013 issue of the New Hyde Park Herald Courier and felt compelled to respond to the opinion piece by Dr. Stephen Morris, titled “Don’t feel sorry for federal workers.”
It seems Dr. Morris has joined those who see federal workers as overpaid, over-privileged fat cats who live high off the American taxpayer while their counterparts in the private sector struggle to make ends meet.
As a federal worker and Long Island resident, I can tell you that this characterization could not be further from the truth.
Firstly, Dr. Morris alleges the average “white-collar” federal employee earns a salary in excess of $100,000 per year plus benefits.
According to the Office of Personnel Management, the nationwide average is actually $76,883 and the average for New York is $74,820.*
Those in my position start at about half the state average. We work hard to service taxpayers, even in the face of dwindling budgets and a workforce rapidly shrinking through attrition.
Additionally, the benefits we are offered (such as health and life insurance) may be subsidized, but they are not free and are not an insignificant expense. After federal, state and payroll taxes are also deducted, we are fortunate to afford a place to live on Long Island, let alone live in the opulence Dr. Morris and many on the national stage accuse us of enjoying.
I agree with Dr. Morris that many of our representatives and senators are overpaid, over-privileged fat cats who collect handsome salaries and benefits without regard to the plight of the private sector.
However, to lump hardworking “9-to-5-ers” in with these political do-nothings is unfair and only feeds the growing acrimony unjustly leveled against federal employees who do their best to carry out their duties and serve the American public in such an adversarial environment.
Matthew Zeidman
New Hyde Park
*Employees paid under the General Schedule pay system or an equivalent as of September 2012.