The Village of Lake Success is moving forward with plans to expand its community building.
The village board approved Kurkowski Architect, P.C. to develop a master plan for the construction, which Mayor Ronald Cooper said would provide a framework to expanding services offered to residents.
“We are contemplating increasing the capacity of our community building to include a card room for residents and also include a health and fitness facility,” Cooper said.
Deputy Mayor Stephen Lam said Kurkowski would meet several times with the board and village residents to discuss the village’s needs. Trustee Gene Kaplan said the architect would, by the end of the master plan development process, provide three design sketches to the board for review.
The board also approved an $80,000 bond to fund the replacement of two village police cars.
“We turn over our cars periodically after they have considerable use and are deemed more repair-prone than warranty-prone,” Cooper said. The village does not yet have plans for the old vehicles, according to Cooper.
The board resolved to hold a public hearing on April 8 to consider a law making defendants in village court pay administrative fees unless they are found not guilty.
Village attorney Peter Mineo said the village justice had requested the change, and that the board could consider adopting a $30 fee.
“The rationale is that it’s costing the village at least that much to process the claims,” Mineo said. “It’s really an administrative fee.”