Great Neck Library board approves new assistant director

Great Neck Library board approves new assistant director

Great Neck Library trustees voted Tuesday to approve Elissa Johnson, a science teacher in Connecticut who also worked at the Danbury Public Library, as the district’s new assistant director.

“I think she brings a lot of things to the table,” Library Director Kathy Giotsas said. ”She used to work at the Danbury Public Library and she created quite a few programs.”

Christine Johnson, who formerly held the assistant director’s position, accepted a director’s position at a Connecticut library, Giotsas said.

“That’s where she also has a home,” Giotsas added. “It was mostly a move because of family.”

Elissa Johnson is currently a science teacher in the Darien, Conn., school system and a biology instructor at the University of Bridgeport, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Giotsas said Elissa’s job duties would include overseeing the library branches and maintenance department, helping with the reopening of the Main Branch Library and serving as “second in charge” when she is not available.

She said Elissa would start some time in April.

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