Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Kolkata a saint at the Vatican on Sept. 4.
As a Catholic and as Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus council #5911 in Douglaston, I would like to applaud Pope Francis for the canonization of Mother Teresa.
She was born to a Albanian family in Skopje which is now part of Macedonia, she later went to India in 1929 as a Sister of Loreto and became a Indian citizen in 1947.
She founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950.
Mother Teresa gave her long life in helping the destitute, poor, sick and those with no hope in their lives.
Mother Teresa had truly exemplify what a person should do for others.
Now that in my opinion is a example for all of us to engage in works of mercy and kindness in our own communities and elsewhere where the needs exist.
As it says in Matthew chap.25 vs. 40,” And the king will say to them in reply, “Amen, I say to you whatever you did for the least of my brothers of mine you did for me.”
Mother Teresa truly had done that and than some.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Glen Oaks Village