While I agree with some of what you had to say in your editorial regarding the water rate dispute between East Williston and Williston Park, (“Can’t we all just get along?”) I believe there are some facts you have overlooked.
It seems Williston Park rather capriciously and arbitrarily raised East Williston’s water rates to near unconscionable levels without justification, just because they could.
You state that East Williston should just go somewhere else to get our water when the fact of the matter is, there is nowhere else to go and Williston Park knows that.
They have East Williston and its residents by the short hairs.
It appears both sides were at an impasse from day one.
From what I understand, there was no forewarning or justification for Williston Park’s rate increases.
It’s unfortunate both sides weren’t able to come to an understanding before resorting to litigation, but Williston Park’s stance seems to have been set in stone from day one.
Nancy C. Kirk
East Williston