I would say that most everyone at this late date, including the silent majority knows who and what everyone is. We daily see it in the news. Ultimately we, each and all will bear the responsibility, consequence and brunt (as it applies) for each and all of our actions.
It is continuously heard from numerous religions the talk about having faith. What is never said is faith in what.
There are things we all do have faith in such as the sun rising each morning. Of course, we know by now that at what point on the Earth we are, the Earth rotates and the sun appears to rise.
Those who have their minds in gear (not stuck in reverse) also realize that we don’t die. We merely shed our physical body when the time comes and pass out of it as easily as radio waves pass through a wall.
We are ‘permanently’ not of this lower realm. The general term is rest in pease.
Not so simple. How naive. Life goes on. Only a few are so clean (I don’t use the word pure as there are many noxious things adjectively described as pure. The word is corrupted) that they don’t have to be purged at least somewhat to rise just to the next realm.
Not so much as the tarnish from a penny do we take with us but a tarnished reputation (to put it lightly) we do take. We ‘find’ ourselves alone and ‘bare’ and every which way we look is as a mirror of our true self with all our deeds. It can be painful. It is fortunate for those who easily let those things go and then be on their way without much being lost.
Everyone knows that R.I.P. means rest in peace. Right! For many it will mean Ripped Into Pieces. Count on that. It is etched in stone.
After purgatory, as it is called, there can be very little left of the fruits of a just ended life for many. For a few, nothing.
It is said that some won’t let it go and haunt the lower realms for the eternity between physical embodiments, sometimes gaining possession of a person in physical life, committing crimes in that person’s name, then committing suicide to be set free to do it again. After all, it was not their body that was used.
Here is a case made against capital punishment. That way the entity living in the body (the real owner of the body in most cases) may possibly over time accept responsibility for the committed actions and ‘pay the price’ along with gaining some redemption to bring a better future, whenever it comes.
Truthfully, look your self in the mirror always: Better now than then.
Charles Samek