Common Core is not a state-led initiative. It was largely funded under Bill Gates, and the term used for our children is Human Capital.
Yes, our children are not individuals but wheels in the cog for a perfect little subordinate workforce.
It was developed without state Legislative authority. It was founded in one congressional hearing, no teachers, no representatives, no parents. They were not permitted to see a final draft.
Most states adopted Common Core without any knowledge of what they were signing. By imposing this hostile takeover our education, the U.S. Department of Education is violating three federal statutes prohibiting the direction, supervision or control of curriculum.
The reason why states are implementing common core? They were given billions in grants. If they did not implement it, guess what? They did not receive the money from the federal government.
Taxpayers pay hundreds of billions in state and local taxes per year for K-12 education. Yet, the Common Core guarantees taxpayers and parents no voice in math and English content standards of their states and thus no control over what children will learn in these subjects. It is a one size fits all approach in our children’s education.
Dr. James Milgram of Stanford University, the only mathematician on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to sign off, stating, “It’s almost a joke to think students [who master the common standards] would be ready for math at a university.”
According to the Pioneer Institute, several experts refused to sign off on the Common Core because they did not even meet the basic requirements of some community colleges and many universities. Based on studies by the Pioneer Institute, students will graduate high school at a 10th grade math level and a seventh grade reading level. This is unacceptable to me.
The math my daughter is bringing home is the most convoluted, confusing nonsense I have ever seen. As she began to grasp centimeter to meter conversion she reached the correct answers. But this is not enough. She was told she would have points taken away if she did not write the fractions involved in coming to the correct answer.
Why are we reinventing the wheel here? Why isn’t the correct answer enough? And why are wrong answers considered right? Yes, 3 x 4 is okay at 11. As long as you explain the faulty reasoning you used to get to that incorrect answer. Sound ludicrous?
We parents have a voice. Our children are at stake her, and our tax dollars. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that Common Core will make our children any smarter. In fact it is a dumbing down of our education.
Our children are being used as guinea pigs, in a plan that is unresearched, untested, and now being funded by us. Go to “The Truth in American Education.Com.”
The facts are there.
School psychologists are seeing record numbers of children with anxiety, depression, and stress due to the regimented testing weekly. Go to “Inappropriate Common Core Lessons” on Facebook, it will really open your eyes! It is actual excerpts of children’s homework under Common Core, all over the country.
You can opt out. I’ve already handed mine in. Get the Common Core opt out form online. We still have a voice.
Our teachers are not just test facilitators, they are the foundation of our country’s education. They deserve a say in the lesson plans, and so do we as parents.
Spread the word. Go to StopCommon Core in New York State today. This is our children’s future and this country was not based on common people, we all have something to contribute.
Mary Goodfellow