Transparency and open discussion grounded in truth are essential elements for informed debate, accountability and continued excellence in all district matters.
Recently, an e-mail was circulated that blatantly mischaracterizes the management letter issued by the district’s independent external auditor, R.S. Abrams & Co., LLP as a part of their audit of the district’s financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2013.
The e-mail describes the management letter as “scathing.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The district’s financial statements and auditor’s letter were presented to the Manhasset community in detail by R.S. Abrams at the 11/7/2013 board meeting. The management letter and audited financial statements were posted at that time and remain on the district’s website here:
The district forwarded the e-mail to RS Abrams for comment. Marianne Van Duyne, partner at RS Abrams, responded to the e-mail as follows:
“As part of the external audit we performed, our firm issued a management letter. The areas we outlined in the management letter were recommendations pertaining to internal controls. We do not consider the items noted to be material in nature. Had we cited material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in your internal controls, we would have been required to issue an additional letter called Communication of Significant Deficiencies and Material Weaknesses in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards Section AU-C 265.11. As such, the school district did not receive this additional communication as we determined there were no material weaknesses in its internal controls.”
Under New York State law, the district is also required to and has retained an independent internal auditor, Cerini & Associates LLP. The district forwarded the e-mail to Ken Cerini, partner for comment. He responded as follows:
“We have tested both cash receipts and IT inventory and only had minor findings, which were promptly resolved by the district. The district’s management takes controls very seriously, and has a strong understanding of controls and continuously strives to improve systems to safeguard the district’s resources. The district, unlike many other districts, never looks to just do the minimum, but instead invests in its infrastructure which includes expanded testing and dedicating more resources to ensure the integrity of the control environment. We have been impressed by the district’s attitude in making sure controls are not just adequate but strong.”
Our public schools are an invaluable asset that our community shares. As a district, we have always been and will continue to be transparent.
Patricia Narofsky
Manhasset Union Free School District