For what I wish to say, I will begin with using an annual plant as a subject.
It can be one that sprouts from a seed, grows, blooms with gorgeous blossoms, is pollinated and produces seeds which fall to the ground to sprout again the next year and repeat the cycle. The seeds may also help feed the birds and whatever else.
With our ‘five’ senses we are able to see how the plant looks, know its aroma, feel it, perhaps detect the sound of its leaves rustling in the wind and if it is edible, taste it.
It is a fallacy to believe that the ‘life’ of the plant is detected with the five mentioned senses. Only its manifestation in physical substance is detected. After the plant has produced seeds and according to its specie, the life withdraws and leaves only fodder. Obviously, the seeds do have life.
There are some who are aware of the life of the plant by means of an aspect of what is usually and loosely termed as the sixth sense. More about this further on.
There are many ways in which life with a physical expression is propagated. In addition, the animal realm and fowl along with the human have developed so as to have motion-emotion. In addition, the human has free will and to whatever amount it has developed, mental capacity. Various names are given to these physical, life, motion-emotion and mental. They are each separate planes.
The physical is transient and comes and goes. The other three are continuous. When the human withdraws in what is termed death, it is like the words from an old song; “I ain’t got no body.”
I hear it said so often by those who should know better that the brain is the mind. The brain is only functionary as is the rest of the physical body and when the life withdraws it is likewise just a piece of meat: just a carcass.
Only a few of us have so far begun to develop the abstract mind. There is still a long way to go and many higher planes too.
When Mozart would write a piece of inspired music, he would sometimes title it such as “Allegro in B Flat Major.” ‘Earth words’ don’t exist to say anything about it. It is out of this world. We do faintly sense its meaning.
As mentioned, we as humans have free will. No two of us now are exactly the same which also shows in our DNA. For some it has been for the good and for others, to a degree, to their detriment. It is quite fashionable to blame health and to whatever degree, mental problems on something or someone else and not take responsibility for our own past actions. A possible exception is those who have migrated from their traditional different climate.
As I mentioned, we have the ‘Life’ realm as do the plants. It is this part of each of us that determines what kind of atom or molecule is deposited in every particular spot of the physical body we have built and inhabit. This also takes the form of the aberrations, immunological and other problems we have acquired in the past.
It is in evidence as to how the physical body is built when we cut or abrade the body not too badly, the wound is rebuilt and there is no evidence left that it happened.
Free will makes us truly our own and it is the responsibility of each to learn and make corrections for what may have been hard experience.
I did not go to the effort of writing this without a reason. The medical profession and related enterprises believe that everything can be solved with chemical compounds: pharmaceuticals. This is not to say that much has not been accomplished with vaccines and other means. Ultimately, the changes have to come about by correcting the cause and not by treating the symptoms. If, as it stands, a physical life is cut short, so be it. Learn the reason why and better luck next time.
Improper diet will probably prove to have been the major undoing. Living on carcasses for one. The situation today is not conducive to this being accomplished. The medical profession has sold out its oath of office.
Only money matters now.
Charles Samek