We can’t criticize the political philosophy of California’s elected officials any more, since New York City now has it’s own radical, left-wing mayor.
Does Mayor Bill de Blasio really believe that when he worked for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in 1988, he was getting the necessary experience to run the most difficult-to-govern city on the planet?
Does he really think that just because he was elected New York City’s public advocate, he has the necessary credentials?
Everyone agrees that the public advocate is one of those “feel good” but totally irrelevant and useless, politically-connected offices. Perhaps, we should just be happy he wasn’t a “neighborhood organizer.”
Anyway, he was also one of those 51 anonymous New York City Council members. Can anyone tell me their own council member or what they actually do? I doubt it!
Oh, I forgot to mention that his only business experience was that he worked for various non-profits! What do you expect from a socialist, working at Exxon-Mobil or IBM?
But as the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin pointed out, 75 percent of all the eligible voters, either didn’t vote at all, or voted for his opponent. Even though Bill de Blasio only received 25 percent of the entire eligible vote, we are still stuck with him for four years.
Our new mayor has been in office for 58 days. Let’s see what damage he has inflicted already:
1 – While running for office and trying to appeal to the Jewish vote, ( as if they would vote for anyone but a Democrat !) Bill DeBlasio supported the Israeli government’s position that it was not acceptable to loosen Iran’s sanctions before their nuclear capability was reduced.
Now, only weeks after his election, he totally reversed his position, and supports President Obama’s pro-Palestinian, “balanced” approach. He now favors a lessening of sanctions before any Iranian nuclear reduction is verified. The 75 percent of the Jewish voters who voted for him probably never even noticed! A new mayor, the same automatic support!
2 – Our new, politically correct mayor, announced after his election, that he will show his support for gay marriage by being the first mayor NOT to march in the Saint Patricks Day parade. What say you now, all you liberal Irish-Catholics ? The new mayor throws another group under the bus.
3 – Concerning our most important asset, our children, Mayor de Blasio is phasing out the nationally acclaimed, extremely successful, charter school program. This is how popular the charter schools are:
A) There are 22,000 new charter school seats available for next year. B) 27,680 kids have already applied. C ) there are 70,000 total charter school students ! Wow!
This is a program that has given hope to so many poor and middle class parents and provided a pathway out of poverty.
Charter schools recruit and hire only the best teachers and have a proven history of getting great academic results. The mayor’s office announced last Friday that $210 million dollars in funds that were to be used by the charters and other nonprofits, were now earmarked for his prekindergarten program. What a trade off !
A new mayor, a return to an old agenda.
4 – The mayor’s office announced last week, that his wife, Chirlane McCray, will play a “major, hands-on, policy-setting role” in the de Blasio administration.
Did you hear that? A policy-making role!
What exactly are her credentials ? Let’s hope they are better than her husbands! She was a speechwriter for Mayor Dinkins and worked in public relations at Maimonides Medical Center and Citibank. That’s it ?
Ask any liberal. She is perfect for the job!
By the way, Mrs. de Blasio just made her first political appointment. Please sit down ! To head her staff, she hired none other than Rachel Noerdlinger, the longtime spokeswoman for Rev. Al Sharpton!
A new mayor, a new constituency.
5 – You all heard about our first snowstorm. For two days the Upper East Side didn’t see one snowplow. After all, why worry about affluent neighborhoods ? As a result, gridlock tied up all of Manhattan. Was this the first test our new mayor’s administrative skills? Remember, he got his snow-removal experience in Nicaragua !
A new mayor, a new approach.
6 – As I said before, the cornerstone of the de Blasio administration is his proposed Pre-K program. According to every socialist, it’s the government’s responsibility to provide universal, “free” education.
Let’s see how “free” his pre-K program actually is. Remember, all you liberals, cost doesn’t matter ! Don’t you really mean that cost doesn’t matter if it’s my money you are spending ?
Just released by the mayor’s office: a) 53,604 children would be eligible. b) it would cost the taxpayers $10,239 per child!!
c) The total cost is $340 million for the first year alone! And
d ) Not mentioned is where Mayor de Blasio is going to find the necessary 2,000 additional classrooms and teachers?
Even Gov. Cuomo is against this one. The mayor even turned down his offer to state-fund it instead. “No way”, said our new socialist mayor. “We must make the rich pay for it.”
A new mayor, a new government program.
7- Even I’m amazed at this next proposal. De Blasio wants to close our schools for three additional school holidays, two Muslim holidays and one for the Asian Lunar New Year.
Again, a word about that evil, capitalistic word, the cost :
1 – The teachers and staff would still have to be paid millions of dollars in salary.
2 – The minimum state attendance requirements would still have to be met since the number of holidays would jump to 17.
3 – How about that hidden cost to the working parents of the 1.1 million students, who would have to find someone to watch their kids! The non-welfare, workings parents of our city?
Political Ideologues like Bill de Blasio, never consider them. A new mayor, another payback to the teacher’s union.
8 – “Stop and frisk” is the nationally acclaimed program that helped reduce crime by getting so many guns off the street. Mayor de Blasio just moved to repeal it and he installed a government monitor instead!
Two important rules for any good left-wing, socialist: 1 – we must never hurt the feelings of any criminal; 2 – we have nothing to fear when the federal government steps in.
A new mayor, maybe more crime , definitely more government !
Forty-six months till Mayor de Blasio is up for re-election! Let’s hope New York City can survive until then.
Dr. Stephen Morris
North Hills