Reader’s Write: End of spying on Muslims a threat to us

Reader’s Write: End of spying on Muslims a threat to us

Mayor de Blasio and police Commissioner Bill Bratton have decided to scrape the anti-terrorism program in Muslim communities.

This move in my opinion is a move in the wrong direction.

These terrorists have been known to hide in such communities and who also are active in enlisting others to commit such evil acts. What happen on 9/11 and last years bombing in

Boston showed missed opportunities to stop these egregious acts by these evil doers. This program was extremely valuable under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. 

As reported during their time in office terrorists hatched no fewer than 14 plots to attack the city and did not succeed. This makes me think we could now be threaten again with another 9/11. 

In that case may God have mercy on us all.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village

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