Reader’s Write: AARP advice tainted by profit motive

Reader’s Write: AARP advice tainted by profit motive

What is it about my letters that irritate so many Democrats? 

It just can’t be my poor spelling or my terrible punctuation. Doesn’t it seem that some of them lose any semblance of reason and accuracy when they are confronted by any contradictory viewpoints.  

In last week’s newspaper, New Hyde Park reader, Ms. Esther Convino, claimed that I lied  (that’s her words) when I referred to an article in a recent issue of the AARP Bulletin. 

Ready for this one? She said the article doesn’t exist and I made it all up. What’s her suggestion? The editor should proof-read all my letters! But not hers, of course.

So again, let me make it very simple for her and for all the others who doesn’t believe a word I say.

The title of the article was:

“Doctor’s say: Skip These Tests!!”, and it appeared on pages 12-16 of the March 2014 issue of the AARP Bulletin. Its hard to understand how Ms. Convino or anyone, for that matter, could miss it, since it also was a headline on the front page of that very same magazine.

In it, all AARP members are urged  to avoid, yes avoid, many of the most common medical tests and procedures that our doctors have been using for years. I am waiting for AARP to tell me what to say to my own M.D. when she orders my next  PSA? 

Maybe we should consult with an AARP secretary for her advise?   Shouldn’t you and your physician decide which tests are needed? Not the government ? Not a committee? Not a poll ! And especially not a  AARP employee.

For those who are hearing this for the first time, let me explain to you that the AARP listed 10 medical tests they want all of us to “skip”. (Skip is their word!) 

Some examples are EKG, PSA, stress tests, bone density, colonoscopies and amazingly, yearly physicals! 

That last one is really hard to believes since the lack of basic preventive medicine was one of Obama’s major criticism of our previous healthcare system.

If you examine AARP’s motivation, you can only come to one conclusion. And, it has nothing to do with promoting good healthcare. According to AARP, these tests “do more harm than good and waste billions of dollars”. Its that second reason, the cost, that gives away their true motivation. AARP benefits from any reduction in our medical testing by increasing their affiliated insurance company’s profits! 

Their hypocrisy is obvious to everyone, except of course, to those ObamaCare apologists who still refuse to  deal with any criticism of government-run, socialized medicine. Rush Limbaugh  calls them “low information people”! I hope mentioning that conservative icon doesn’t cause some of you Liberals to have chest pains and want to take a EKG. Remember AARP wants you to avoid that test! Sorry!

AARP receives a royalty from UnitedHealthCare for every Medicare Supplemental Insurance policy that they refer to them. Wow. What a deal!!

The more people they insure, the more profits AARP generates. Basically, AARP is just an “insurance broker”! If they were doctors, they would be sued for malpractice! 

Giving “medical advise” from a non medical organization, is just another example of AARP’s placing their own monetary and political interests ahead of the health of their members. No wonder so many are leaving this outdated and politically-connected organization.

If anyone is not satisfied with their own private insurance company, they can choose another company. What are we to do when Uncle Sam steps in? Find another government? The incestuous relationship between President Obama  and  AARP’s insurance interests should not be overlooked or ignored. It’s the ultimate hypocrisy.  

Dr. Stephen Morris

North Hills

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