Readers Write: People in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones

Readers Write: People in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones

Oh dear.  Poor Stephen Morris is upset because liberals have criticized him.  

He accused us “advanced thinkers” and “brilliant thinkers” of using expletives in referring to him.  

I have read, and really enjoyed, others’ replies to his weekly word-salad (no 300-word limit for him either).  

However, no one, and I mean no one, has ever used an expletive.  

Perhaps Morris doesn’t know what an actual expletive is but we all know an expletive would not be printed in this newspaper.  

Of course this is from someone who refers to the twice duly-elected President as the “messiah-in-chief”.

Of course Morris brings up his First Amendment right to free speech.  But as with most conservatives, they forget that we brilliant and advanced liberals (thanks for the compliment Morris) also have the First Amendment right to call him on what he says.  

He can criticize the president’s policies all he wants but calling the president names is a personal attack.  And a very childish one at that.

If he wants to see expletives, he can just go on some of the blogs I have seen where the expletives fly around like fruit flies.  And all of them are posted by conservatives, especially the teapotted ones.

He really has quite a problem with having his spelling and grammar critiqued.  He must have had quite the time in school.  

He could just get some first grader to teach him how to proof read and use spell check so we would not have to point out his mistakes.

But that would not take care of the making up numbers aspect of his letters.  

Such as when he said AARP has a membership of 300 some odd million members (that was awhile back and I don’t recall his exact erroneous number).  However, it did prove that none of his figures can be taken at face value since THE entire population of the united states is only 319,000,000!

He also has a problem with the Affordable Care Act.  

I just can’t understand what Morris and other Republicans/conservatives have against his fellow countrymen having health coverage.  

What is so terrible about everyone being able to go to the doctor when they are sick, or to keep from getting sick?  

But then I think Morris does not really consider liberals as his fellow countrymen.  

How dare we liberals care about every American, not just the ones who think as we do?

As for his difficulties in getting past Medicare Part A, I don’t know where to start.  

I will point out that when my husband and I went to the Social Security office, we were not there for hours as he claims he was.  And I will also point out that it is not necessary to sign up for a Supplemental plan and a Drug plan.  

He could have just enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan which covers everything that Part A does not cover.  

My husband and I did that (ours is through BCBS) and costs us less than $4,000 (this figure also includes Part B , which is deducted from our Social Security checks) per year for both of us. 

Oh, and AARP does not have anything to do with Obamacare.

Perhaps Stephen Morris should just acquire a new hobby and then he would not have to worry about getting his widdle feelings hurt.  Just saying.

MaryEllen Scherer

New Hyde Park

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