Charles Barkley a long retired black NBA great has always been outspoken.
A week or so ago on national radio Barkley commented on Ferguson with an obvious sincerity that stunned me. His comments since then have constantly been on TV.
I thought maybe a white person would eventually make similar comments but for a black person to have done so is nothing short of astounding.
He is certainly courageous well beyond most of us.
It wasn’t just a single or a few critical comments but a series of comments about the Ferguson affair and more.
I am not going to quote his, in my opinion, profound comments. If you are inclined to be rational you will track the article down.
If you are irrational you won’t want to hear it.
Barkley has not only spoken for the vast majority of white people but the vast majority of black people as well. These are the silent majority.
Theodore Theodorsen