Lockwood Dennis exhibit at Molloy College

Lockwood Dennis exhibit at Molloy College

The Frank and Gertrude Kaiser Art Gallery at Molloy College will exhibit the work of Lockwood Dennis.  The work will be exhibited from September 9 through October 30.

Dennis was a Seattle based West-Coast artist whose work often emulated the Regionalist work of Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton. The strong solid structure of his paintings and especially the woodcuts follows this philosophy.

Dennis graduated from the Art School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Mass and is in the collections of Microsoft and the Tacoma Museum in Seattle, Washington among others.

“For me, though, what animates a picture is what animate the objects in the picture: An attitude,” Dennis said. “I see it when I’m sketching.  Houses watching a street.  Cars disagreeing with each other.  Trucks happily cresting a hill, trundling off into the distance.  Factories outdoing each other.  And trees, full of very dark observations on the events around them.  Water, a brooding, waiting peril.  Sunlight, the one benign presence, saying for everything it touches, “I exist!”  And color sets the mood, the contextual feeling which always relates to a time of day: the unknown forces of night, reassuring morning light, hard severity of mid-day, the uneasy portents of evening.”

There will be an opening reception on Tuesday Sept. 9, 2014 from 3 to 5 p.m.. The public is invited to attend.

For additional information and photographs please contact the gallery at artgallery@molloy.edu or call (516) 323-3196.

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