SWAT police help boy’s dream come true

SWAT police help boy’s dream come true

Zachary Cote, a 5-year-old boy battling brain cancer, had his dreams come true on Friday when three Nassau County Police Officers visited him at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park.

Lt. Tara Comiskey, and police officers David Brown and Mario Mastropierro of the Bureau of Special Operations gave Zachary the opportunity to see one of the bureau’s armored trucks. The three also gave Zachary a Special Operations hat, sweatshirt and patch.

“I haven’t seen my son smile like that in a long time,” Zachary’s mother Renee said.

Comiskey, who is Renee’s life-long friend, came up with the idea to visit Zachary after Renee told her that Zachary had dressed up as a SWAT officer for Halloween. She said Zachary has a strong interest in police officers.

“It just blew my mind,” Renee said.

Renee said that the Cohen Children’s Medical Center’s treatment of Zachery in both treating him and setting up the event has been good for them.

“I’m very thankful that we landed here,” Renee said. “From the littlest thing to the biggest thing, this is the place to go to.”

Renee said Zachery was first diagnosed with stage-four medulloblastoma, a highly malignant primary brain tumor that originates in the part of the brain, in June when they made the trip from their Sound Shore home to the Medical Center.

“We kept hearing it was allergies,” Renee said.

Zachery went in for surgery on June 5, where Renee said the surgeons believe they completely removed the cancer. 

Zachary started Chemotherapy on Sept. 9., Renee said.

Renee says the cycles of therapy have been a stress on her and her husband, which have been compounded by Renee’s own medical problem. She is on disability due to being diagnosed with porphyria in 2002.

“This family couldn’t be in more need of help right now,” said Jennifer Hoffman, a family friend who started a gofundme page to support the Cotes.

Since being created five months ago the page has raised $12,675 of its $20,000 goal. 

“Thank you doesn’t even seem enough for what people have contributed,” Renee said. 

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